Environmental Management

The environment is our future.
ONEGENE practices environmental management through
continuous improvement.

We will promote sustainable automotive parts business, which aims to continuously improve the environment by actively responding to climate change by making efforts to prevent global warming, taking the value of environmental protection and respect for life as the central axis of management.

Environmental Policy

  • Compliance and Responsibility Management
    Compliance and Responsibility Management

    Environmental management related laws and regulations, international standards and agreements, and customer requirements, as well as strengthened internal management to ensure that there are no omissions or violations.

  • Eco-friendly management practice
    Eco-friendly management practice

    Considering all processes of product, develop eco-friendly products and practice eco-friendly management that uses resources and energy efficiently.

  • 리스크 선행관리로 건강한 기업가치 구현
    Implement healthy corporate value through risk pre-emptive management

    Prevent the risk factors in advance, spread safety and management culture, and create a comfortable work environment.


ONEGENE's Commitment

ONEGENE is dedicated to advancing sustainable development and environmental stewardship in all aspects of our operations. Our support for the RMI, IRMA, and the Anti-Deep Seabed Mining initiative underscores our commitment to ethical practices and our belief in the importance of protecting our planet for future generations. We actively promote these initiatives within our network, leveraging our influence to drive positive change and encourage responsible behavior across the mining industry.
thank you.

CEO 김재석

UNGC 10대원칙

Human Rights
  • 원칙


    기업은 국제적으로 선언된 인권 보호를 지지하고 존중해야 하고,
    Business should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;

  • 원칙


    기업은 인권 침해에 연루되지 않도록 적극 노력한다.
    Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

  • 원칙


    기업은 결사의 자유와 단체교섭권의 실질적인 인정을 지지하고,
    Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

  • 원칙


    모든 형태의 강제노동을 배제하며,
    the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;

  • 원칙


    아동노동을 효율적으로 철폐하고,
    the effective abolition of child labour; and

  • 원칙


    고용 및 업무에서 차별을 철폐한다.
    the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

  • 원칙


    기업은 환경문제에 대한 예방적 접근을 지지하고,
    Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;

  • 원칙


    환경적 책임을 증진하는 조치를 수행하며,
    undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;

  • 원칙


    환경친화적 기술의 개발과 확산을 촉진한다.
    encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

  • 원칙


    기업은 부당취득 및 뇌물 등을 포함하는 모든 형태의 부패에 반대한다.
    Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Statement in Support of Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), and the Anti-Deep Seabed Mining Initiative

In today's world, where sustainability and responsible resource management are paramount, the Responsible Mining Initiative (RMI), the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), and the Anti-Deep Seabed Mining initiative play crucial roles in shaping the future of mining and environmental conservation. ONEGENE is proud to support these initiatives, reflecting our commitment to promoting ethical, sustainable, and transparent practices in the mining industry.

Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI)

The RMI is an invaluable tool in promoting transparency and accountability in the mining industry. By rigorously assessing mining companies' practices across environmental, social, and governance (ESG) dimensions, RMI ensures that stakeholders—from investors to local communities—are well-informed about the impacts and contributions of mining operations. This transparency fosters a culture of continuous improvement, driving companies to adopt best practices and mitigate negative impacts. RMI's efforts align with global sustainability goals, making it an essential advocate for responsible and ethical mining. ONEGENE supports RMI's mission and utilizes its insights to guide our investments and partnerships, ensuring we back companies committed to sustainable practices.

Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA)

IRMA's commitment to establishing high standards for responsible mining practices is commendable. Through its robust certification program, IRMA sets benchmarks that ensure mining operations are conducted in a manner that respects human rights, safeguards the environment, and promotes social welfare. By engaging a broad range of stakeholders, including communities, labor unions, NGOs, and industry representatives, IRMA ensures that its standards are comprehensive, inclusive, and reflect the needs and values of all affected parties. This collaborative approach not only enhances the credibility of the standards but also fosters trust and cooperation among stakeholders, leading to more sustainable mining practices globally. ONEGENE actively supports IRMA by advocating for its standards and encouraging our partners to seek IRMA certification, reinforcing our commitment to responsible mining.

Anti-Deep Seabed Mining Initiative

The Anti-Deep Seabed Mining initiative addresses one of the most pressing environmental concerns of our time. Deep seabed mining poses significant risks to marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and the health of our oceans. By opposing this destructive practice, the initiative champions the protection of some of the most unexplored and fragile environments on Earth. The oceans play a critical role in regulating the global climate, supporting fisheries, and maintaining biodiversity. Protecting these vital ecosystems from the irreversible damage caused by deep seabed mining is not only a moral imperative but also essential for the long-term health of our planet. ONEGENE stands firmly with the Anti-Deep Seabed Mining initiative, advocating for a precautionary approach to resource extraction that prioritizes the preservation of natural habitats over short-term economic gains.


Together, the RMI, IRMA, the Anti-Deep Seabed Mining initiative, and ONEGENE embody a comprehensive approach to responsible resource management. By promoting transparency, accountability, high standards, and environmental stewardship, these initiatives collectively contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future. It is imperative that stakeholders across all sectors support and champion these efforts, ensuring that mining practices worldwide are aligned with the principles of sustainability and respect for our planet's precious ecosystems.

This statement integrates ONEGENE's support, emphasizing the company's commitment to sustainable and responsible mining practices.

CEO 김재석