Water Condenser

Adding a water-cooled condenser to existing air-cooled condensers improves cooling performance and increases fuel efficiency.

Water Condenser

Adding a water-cooled condenser to existing air-cooled condensers improves cooling performance and increases fuel efficiency.

Product Characteristics

Product Description

  • Role of product
- Condenser using low-temperature radiator cooling water for existing car air-conditioning system
- Environment-friendly vehicle Reduces power consumption of COMP by increasing the performance of water-cooled condenser using low-temperature radiator(4 ~ 5%), which is expected to improve fuel efficiency by 1%.
Product Inquiry

궁금한 사항은 Q&A를 이용하시거나 고객센터 (031-9897-2313)를 이용하세요.


Product Inquiry

궁금한 사항은 Q&A를 이용하시거나 고객센터 (031-9897-2313)를 이용하세요.
